I've been forgetting something

I've realised that, over the last few weeks, I've been forgetting something. Something big. That something is God, my faith in him, and his plans for me. He's been guiding me so clearly over the last 6 months and making it clear what he wants me to do. However, I seem  to have blocked him out for the last few weeks.

I think I've become too worried. I've been scared about moving away to do my dts training. I've let that worry control me. I've been trying to forget about what's actually happening. I've been distracting myself from God and from his plans. whenever people asked about how I feel moving away I'd unenthusiastically reply by saying I'm excited and can't wait to go. I didn't really know how to respond at all. 

God reminded me of his love and his plans for me yesterday and has eased my fears. I've been reminded that I really do need him.

We had some people round today who we haven't seen in a few years. They're a Christian couple who are family friends and now live pretty far away from us. They were talking about a trip they'd been on to Africa and how life changing it was. I suddenly realised how amazing this experience will be for me. I'm gonna meet so many new people and make so many new friends and I'll definitely leave having been changed for the better. I'll experience things that a lot of people won't, and I'll be with God every single step of the way. He'll be guiding me and I'll be following Him. I'll be trusting him more than ever before. He'll be leading me where my trust is without borders. 

I'm so grateful at the moment of God's endless love for us. No matter how many times we mess up and turn away from him, His arms are always open waiting for us to go running back to him. He paid the ultimate price for us to be in His family, and he will never give up on trying to get us to be in His family. I can't even put into words how much he loves every single one of us, no matter what we've done or where we've been in our lives. He longs to have us in his family! God knew we would be messy, and he knows we're going to mess up often. That's the whole point of the cross! 

I found this song last night (How He Loves Us). Matt Chandler speaks in parts of it explaining about Jesus dying on the cross for us. It's so so powerful. It really puts things into perspective and has helped me understand more about God's love for me. I would really recommend listening to it and really taking in what he has to say.

I've learnt that I will go through times like this. I will mess up. I will forget about my faith. God knew that in the first place and he still died for me! He's still there, waiting for me to run back into his arms. 

*   *   *

I'm leaving next Sunday to start my course with ywam. It's so close. I'm hoping to do a few more posts before I go, and to keep writing when I'm there. Please keep me in your prayers. This could be tricky for me, and I may struggle, but what would be the point in doing this if it was easy...

Doing something about it. (Getting fit finally...)

As some of you will have seen, I wrote a post a little while ago about how I was struggling with my body appearance. I didn't feel good about the way I looked and I was very unhealthy and unhappy. I knew what I needed to do to fix it, but I just didn't have the motivation to do anything.

I've finally done something. I'm fixing it.

I was laying in bed one night a little while ago, thinking about how I could get fit and healthy and what would motivate me to do it. I turned to pinterest. I started looking at pictures of people who do work out and are fit and healthy (making sure I wasn't getting too obsessive about it). That motivated me enough to start a plan to get fit.

I started off by writing rules for myself to help generally with my lifestyle so that I stop going to sleep at 2 in the morning and waking up at 10-11am and other things. This is what I came up with:
- Be asleep at 10pm every night (11pm latest depending on work)
- Wake up at 8:30-9am every day and no later
- Stick to work out plans
- Don't decide to do a workout later than I planned to (ie. in the afternoon rather than the morning)
- Keep thinking about my motivation and why I'm doing it
- Eat properly (No more McDonalds!!)
- Don't get obsessed with fitness and keep God in the centre of this to stay safe mentally.

At the moment, in terms of exercising, I'm doing a little 8 week plan where you gradually build up the amount you run each day. You do it three days a week (monday, wednesday and friday). I'm finding it so helpful as it's really pushing me to do more than I think I can.

I'm also going to try to fit in a work out each week (I'm lucky enough to have a mum who used to be a personal trainer so I'm going to try to take advantage of that until I leave for ywam) and after each run I do a few squats/sit ups etc. 

Just doing these few simple things is really making a massive difference. I feel so good about myself and I'm looking at my body in a completely different way. I also have a lot more energy and generally feel happier.

I decided right from the start of this that I want to make sure this doesn't become an obsession for me. I don't want to be obsessed with losing as much weight as possible and being a slim as possible. I'm making sure I keep praying about it and keep God in this. I also decided I wouldn't weigh myself. Because this isn't about losing weight for me, there's no point. If I was to weigh myself then I know I would soon become obsessed with the number the scales are showing and trying to lower them. Truthfully, your weight doesn't really show much at all in some cases. This image has helped me with this:                                                                                                                                                           
It doesn't even really need explaining...

I really hope that this will motivate people to do the same as me and take control of your like again. Fitness is so important not only for your physical health, but also your mental health. 

Also It's exactly a month until I go to ywam!! How exciting... 

A lot can change in a few months..

I'm beginning to realise just how much has changed in the space of just a few months.

Just a little while ago I was at my friends house talking about life and how things were going at that time. I was in tears because I felt so far away from God and, to be perfectly honest, I wasn't sure if he was even real.

Just a little while ago I was in sixth form. There were people I was 'friends' with, but were clearly having a really bad influence on me. But I saw them at school everyday and had no idea how to get out of the situation.

Just a little while ago I thought that I would go through sixth form and then have absolutely no idea what would happen next. Questioning my faith made this even more of a struggle as I wondered if there really was anyone guiding me, or if I was alone in this.

Just a little while ago I was saying that I wanted to move away from home, or at least spend some time away from home.

Just a little while ago I felt like I didn't really have any true friends. I lacked the Christian friends I needed to help keep me on track.

Just a little while ago I was becoming dependent on relationships with boys. I felt like I needed to be in a relationship with someone to feel happy and complete.

Just a little while ago I decided to step back from leading worship because I felt like I was cheating people by leading them in something that I wasn't sure if it was even real.

Isn't it amazing how quickly God can change things around?

I know now that God is very much real. I've experienced his presence and Him speaking to me. He guides me everyday and helps me make so many decisions.

I'm now out of sixth form. I'm not in the friendship groups I was before and have moved on from the things that they had led me to.

I now know my plan for the first half of next year. I know that God will guide me after those six months. I still don't know where I'll be, but I have faith that God has it all planned out.

In about three months time, I'll be going away from home for 6 months. I'll have my time away from home to see what it's really like. I might miss home and decide to come back for a while before I move out. Or I might decide I really like it and move away.

I now have so many really good friends who are mostly Christians. We have so much fun together. We meet up loads and just chat and have a laugh together. We support each other and are always there for each other.

I'm starting to learn that I need to depend on God. I need to strengthen my relationship with him before I get into any relationship with a guy. God will make me feel happy and complete. Any other relationship is a bonus.

I now really crave to lead worship again. I'm so passionate about it. However, I only have a couple of months left at church until I go to ywam, so I might not get to lead worship much for a little while!

I really hope that this post encourages people. Just a few months ago, I was in such a rubbish place. God has changed that. Things still aren't perfect, but they probably won't ever be. God is working with you and in you. Things will get so much better. Sometimes you need to go through a trial. It makes you so much stronger and things will change through that.

Situations change. But as long as you keep God in your life and in your decisions, everthing will work together for your good.

Insecurities and body image

I wrote in my journal a few weeks ago about my body and how I feel about it. I want to share it with you and write about where I am now. So here's what I wrote: 

'I've started to realise that, quite a bit of the time, the way my body looks makes me unhappy.

There's so much in the media these days about being 'too fat' or 'too skinny'. As much as I don't want to, I find myself looking in the mirror sometimes wishing I looked like the 'ideal woman'. I feel far from it.

I know I'm not overweight, infact I'm closer to being underweight. It's just the way my body looks that I sometimes struggle to see as 'attractive'. I always manage to find something I see as an imperfection that makes me feel rubbish and unhappy. I know that God has made me perfectly and that it doesn't matter what other people think about me. However, I struggle to really know, understand, and live in this truth. 

Something else that I struggle with at the moment is people saying 'As long as you're happy and healthy it doesn't matter what size you are or how you look'. I know this is true and people are right to be saying this. The problem I have is that I'm not healthy and I'm not always happy. 

Other than being on my feet for 4-5 hours each day at work, I get no exercise. I don't eat particularly well either, but because I haven't gained any weight in a long time, I have no motivation to try to be healthier. I'm not too happy because I don't feel attractive. I feel insecure. I put a swimming costume on the other week and it made me cry.

I don't feel confident about my body. I want that to change. I don't want to change the way I look, I just want to get healthy and happy. I want to feel confident enough to wear a bikini to go swimming in. I want to know the way my body looks doesn't matter. I want to concentrate on living for God, rather than how the clothes I'm wearing make me look. 

I think I know how to get to this point. I just need to get going.'

Right now, I feel okay about my body. I bought some new clothes recently - ones that make me feel good. It's helped. I think God has helped me with this as well by helping to change my mindset and the way I look at myself. When I get dressed in the mornings now, I just put on what makes me feel happy, rather than what makes me look best or what can hide my body the best. I feel confident. I feel happier. My body isn't on my mind all the time. I'm still not healthy, but I'm considering what I eat a bit more and trying not to eat that extra bit of chocolate or that extra few chicken nuggets... I know I have a long way to go until I'm actually healthy, but hopefully I'll get there and I'll feel even better about myself.

For anyone who is struggling with their body image right now, just know that it does get better. The days you spend crying over how you look will end. You're beautiful. Understand that. Look in the mirror and tell yourself that you're beautiful the way you are. Try to get healthier if you're not already. Maybe do a bit more exercise - it really will make you feel good about yourself. Maybe go out and buy some clothes that make you feel reeeeeally good. It's hard when you feel like rubbish, but if you put your mind to it, things will get better. 

What's happening to our generation?

I saw a you tube video a few weeks ago about our generation. The person in the video was saying how he was worried about our generation. He pointed out that we live in a society where we feel we have to fit in. If we don't fit in we're bullied for it and get laughed at. He said that he's worrying because we are always told we're the leaders of the future, but are we really capable of leading?

This has really got me thinking. What really is happening to our generation? I'm worried too now. How on earth are we going to be able to be leaders? Things seem to really be going downhill, and it seems to mainly be connected to social media. It seems like people think it's cool to physically bully people, have someone film it, and then post it online for the world to see. I heard on the news yesterday that a 13 year old girl is in custody on suspicion of murder! When I was at school, I would see 13-14 year olds smoking. Girls are starting to dress so provocatively at such a young age. Kids are having sex and having babies. It's like social media has stopped people from having a childhood. Kids find these so called 'role models' and try to be like them. They try to grow up too fast.

Is there really anything we can do about this? Can we start to sort our generation out so we are ready to be the leaders of tomorrow? I think we need to start building each other up. We need to actually encourage people to be who they want to be and not laugh at them when they are! We need to stop giving people fame for bullying. We need to encourage children to understand that they don't need to try and be like their role models and that they need to be what they want to be. I know it's not something that will change over night. It probably won't solve everything, but what's the harm in us trying? I really encourage you to build others up. Actually encourage them to be them. Give people confidence in who they are and things will start to change.

We need this to happen for the sake of our future!

Also you should check out Joel's Youtube channel, it's pretty cool...

struggling with not being at school (with an update)

I'm getting to the point where I'm feeling a bit miserable being at home everyday. In the first few weeks out of education, I managed to keep myself busy. However, there's a limit to the amount of shopping and eating out a girl can do. The people I used to go to school with are all still in school, and by the time they finish for the day, I go off to work, only leaving weekends to meet up (that's if they don't have too much work to do which rarely happens for sixth-formers). I do have a few friends who are only in school part time, and a friend who's a full time mummy that I get to meet up with. But that's not something to keep me busy everyday of every week.

I think that, if it wasn't for the fact that I work every evening, things would be a lot different. I'm so thankful for my job. 

So basically, I'm a bit stuck and feeling a bit lonely. I know I'm not lonely, but when you seem to spend most of your time at home or at work, it's hard not to feel like you are.

However, I have found that having so much spare time is giving me a chance to strengthen my relationship with God and really learn what it is to have a faith and to live for him. I've also managed to get things done that I wouldn't have been able to do if I was still in school. I've been able to spend more quality time with the people who are around and strengthen relationships with these people.

I wrote the first part of this post a few weeks ago, so I guess this is sort of updating it. I got an email from YWAM a week or so ago telling me that I've been accepted! Things are moving and I now have things to do in the run up to going away for 6 months. I'm arranging an event to raise a bit of money to go towards my DTS. I'm trying to think of the things I need to take with me, and things I need to get done before I go. I'm also still trying to spend time with God - especially just in everyday situations. I'm learning to turn to pray as soon as there's something I'm struggling with or if there's a situations that I'm unsure about. 

God's preparing me to move on from my past. School is behind me now. It doesn't feel strange that everyone is at school while I'm here writing and planning. It feels right. It is right. 

To stop the boredom and running out of things to do, I've started writing lists of things I want to get done by the end of the week. That way I have at least one thing to do each day so that I don't get bored and I know there's always something to do. 

I'm also trying to start getting Christmas presents sorted early and on a budget, rather than just going to poundland on the first day of the Christmas holidays, so that will keep me busy too!

If you feel like you want to, please pray for me as I take this next big step in my life - It is greatly appreciated.

'Oh I couldn't do that...'

I'm part of a family that fosters. It's tough. It's also amazing knowing that we can do something that makes such a huge difference in someone's life.

When we first started fostering, and even now when we talk to people about it, we are usually met with a typical 'Oh I couldn't do that, I'd get too attached', or 'I wouldn't be able to give them up'. This is what I want to talk about in this post. (this isn't a rant or me moaning about anyone - I just want to share something that might help people have conversations with foster carers in the future, or even if you're deciding if you want to foster but think it'll be too hard to say goodbye)

Firstly, this is how it sounds to a foster carer:
'Oh I couldn't do that, you must be made of rock and have no feelings of love towards a child in your care.'

Now, I know that people don't really mean that when they say it, and it's usually meant to say to the carer that they're doing something amazing. But it does feel like a bit of a knock down. We have feelings too. This is an emotional job. Every time we've passed a child on, there have been tears. It feels like a loss. In fact, it is a loss. But if we don't go through that because we decide we don't want to shed a few tears, these children will be left in care homes, or even with their parents, which can be really dangerous. We have to get attached to these children and show them love - it helps their brains develop so it's pretty vital!

I guess in short, what I'm trying to say is, when talking to someone who fosters, please don't say the typical 'Oh I couldn't do that because...'. Be supportive. Say that they're doing something really good and that they're really making a difference in that child's life. I know for a fact that my parents and brothers get emotional through the process of fostering, and so do I. We need support. We need to be reminded that we're doing a good thing and that the pain is worth it. All foster carers do.

Also, if you've been seriously thinking about fostering, but you're worried about getting too attached to a child, maybe that means that really you'd be good at it? It's really worth looking in to and it's so rewarding - and I speak from experience!

I Started Journalling

I've started journalling, and it's amazing!

For my birthday a few days ago, I was given a couple of notebooks from friends. I decided I would start journalling. I decided to start writing about things that are on my mind and things to think or pray about. so that's what I'm doing. I went to Starbucks yesterday with my notebook and pens. I just sat there with a coffee, headphones in listening to a soul survivor playlist, and I wrote. I wrote about everything that been on my mind. I wrote about work, about worship at church, relationships, prayers, my confusion over piercings and tattoos, and a lot more. It was nice to be able to read my thoughts. to think about them more clearly. If I have any more thoughts about anything, I can go back to the place I left off, rather than remembering my last thoughts about it in my head. I can look back and prayers to find that they have been answered. I can look back in a few months or even years time and see just how much things have changed.

It's also helping me to stay closer to God everyday, to turn to prayer before anything else. I feel more peaceful. I can put things into perspective and concentrate on the things God really wants me to.

I also sat at home with my Bible and notebook. I opened my Bible on a random page but then got distracted. I later glanced down at my Bible to see this verse:
So God can also use this time to speak to us.

Basically, start journalling - it'll change everything for you.

just a little update

I've been feeling so happy recently. The 3rd was the first day back at school for the rest of year 13, not for me though. I emailed the school about a week ago to say that I wasn't going back. It was definitely the right choice, and I'm now well on my way to starting YWAM.

I haven't just been sitting around at home all day though! I've been trying to get out and do things to keep me busy, and I've been working every evening the last week or so. It's been so lovely, and I've been able to get so many things done that I wouldn't have been able to if I was in sixth form. There's also a lot of forms to fill in to apply for YWAM, so that's something else to do!

This all just feels so right, and I know that this is what God wants me to do. It's still a bit tough getting used to not seeing some people every day any more, and knowing that soon things will be changing quite a lot, but I know that I will get through it all if I stick with God. He's been so close to me these past few weeks, and I know that I need to keep it that way so that he can keep guiding me down the right path.

It's my birthday soon too so that's something to keep me busy!!

A New Start: God spoke to me

It's been about 2 hours since I got back from soul survivor. I'm sitting in my room, listening to some music surrounded by bags that need to be unpacked. They can wait though. I'd rather write about some of the exciting things that God has been doing over the last five days. I knew that soul survivor would be an amazing experience, but I don't think I quite realised how amazing.

I'll admit, up until the Sunday (it started Friday evening) I didn't feel like God was saying anything to me. I had doubt in my mind, which looking back was pretty silly as God has done so many amazing this in my life and other peoples lives up until that point. But anyway, there I was, wondering if I would ever have an answer from God about what I had been praying for. This all ended up changing around pretty quickly!

I was speaking to one of the people I was camping with about what we thought God had been saying to us. He said how God was saying to him that God's timing is perfect and patience is needed. I felt like this was God saying to me that I needed to wait for him to answer my prayer at the right time.

I also spoke to someone about how God can move the mountains (such as mountains that can get in the way of things we want to do in our lives), and that maybe He was saying that there will be things that are going to get in the way, but that he will move them so we can carry on with his plan.

Then things got a bit crazy - amazing crazy.

We went to late night worship (me and the group of my fellow campers - now my family). There was a girl singing with a guitar, leading worship, and another girl with a violin. The worship leader had left a time of space near the end. people started singing out their own songs. someone started singing Mighty to Save. One of the lines in the song is 'saviour, he can move the mountains', as well as other songs about how God will guide us and show us the way and go with us. I sobbed. I knew God was telling me that things really are changing, just as I thought they would be before soul survivor.

On the Monday night in the main meeting, I prayed to God, and received prayer from others. I asked God a question. A question that has been on my mind since I started thinking about YWAM (youth with a mission - I wrote about it in my previous blog post). I didn't get an answer straight away again, so I left it, accepting that it might not need to be answered yet. I then sat down with my friend Max and asked him the question. He gave the answer I was expecting. I sobbed (again...).

*I know that last part doesn't make complete sense as I haven't said what the question was. I'm not saying it yet as I'm still praying about it and asking God to confirm things for me. It's also a much bigger story than just that so I'll be writing about that at a later date.*

So, there it was. The answer I needed. I felt so relieved. My faith grew so much stronger that night, and the night to follow. We were in the big top for the last evening meeting. We had a time of worship. They started to sing a song that me and Max have had on our hearts for the week. It was a song that really spoke to us about what we had been praying about. We turned to each other and smiled. A few minutes later, we simultaneously remembered what happened the night before when God answered my prayer. We turned to each other and mentioned the one word that it was all based around. We laughed and cried, filled with Gods joy. It was such an incredible experience. All my life I'd had that little thought in my mind, wondering if it was just people pretending, or getting caught up in what other people are doing. I know now that that's not true. Being filled with joy from the Holy spirit happens. I felt like I was spiritually over flowing (it's hard to describe, and that's the best I could do). This went on until the end of the worship - leaving us standing, laughing and crying in a room of about 7,500 people who were sitting down! We eventually managed to sit down and just relaxed in the presence of God. We celebrated at the end of the meeting, feeling so renewed and refreshed.

So here I am, writing a blog post that doesn't make complete sense, because God can be like that sometimes. There's so much else I want to write about, and will do soon. All I can say for the time being is that now I'm home, my new life has started. My life for God. No distractions from things such as School, time to focus on him and getting to know him again, and learning to live and do things for him, and things that honour him. There's a lot I need to change, and it's not going to be easy, but God can move mountains. He can help me with the struggles of letting go of things that I once relied on. This will be tough, but so worth it. I can't wait to see what this new life will hold for me. One thing I do know now is that I'm going to have a nice warm bath after a week of camping in the rain.

Results day: where do we go from here?

On the 13th I got my AS level results from sixth form. This was and wasn't a big deal to me. About half way through the year I almost left as it didn't seem like sixth form was the right choice for me. I started looking at other options; apprenticeships, college courses, anything we could find or think of. One thing we found was YWAM (youth with a mission). It sounded perfect! The only problem was, you have to be 18 or over to do it. So I stuck with sixth form and thought I would be able to somehow motivate myself to do well in subjects I mostly had no interest in.

So then came results day.

I wasn't worried or stressed about it until I pulled up to the school car park and walked into the building. By that point I felt sick. I felt so so sick and nervous about something that I knew was in God's hands. I collected my results. I opened the envelope. I saw the letters written down the page. Then it hit me. I cried. I hugged my friend and sobbed on her shoulder.

The page showed this:

I was gutted. (I needed at least E or above in all of my subjects to start year 13)

I pulled myself together and spoke to the head of sixth form about where to go from there. My options are to either restart my A levels with completely new subjects, or to leave the sixth form and go to another college or do an apprenticeship or some other type of course.
The day that this all happened, I was trying to persuade myself that I needed to stay. I needed to do my A levels and stay with my friends and go to prom like everyone else. When I got home, my mum started telling me that I should just leave and that I wouldn't do any better if I went back. I felt like she was telling me that I'm stupid and that I can't do it. I know that isn't what she meant at all but I was tired and emotional and just didn't want to think that I might have to step out of my comfort zone and do something new and different.

I got some sleep and spoke to mum with a clearer mind. I still wasn't sure on the whole leaving sixth form idea, but I listened to her ideas. She mentioned YWAM. I hadn't really thought about it after the last time... She pointed out that I'm 18 about 3 weeks into the next school year, meaning I could do YWAM instead of go back to sixth form. At the moment I'm feeling drawn to do this. I'm still not 100% sure what I'll be doing in a month's time. I just know that a lot is going to be changing, and I'm going to write about all (or at least most) of it on here.

This could be the beginning of the next chapter in my life. Then again it might not be - who knows?! (Well, God does, but you get the gist...)

There's so much more I could write about right now, but this post is already long enough... there will probably be a lot of posts over the next few weeks and months about what's going on - this is helping me get my thoughts straight, so there may be a lot of rambling - sorry in advance! And lastly, please pray for me if you can or want to - I need a lot of guidance from God in this one.

About Coeliac disease (and what it's like to live with)

Woohoo! It's finally the summer holidays - even if the weather doesn't show it. Since it's the summer and I don't have college for 6 weeks, I've become a bit obsessed with Coeliac disease and researching it in detail to see what it really is that I'm suffering from as well as mulling over my thoughts and feelings about the whole thing.

I was diagnosed with coeliac disease when I was about 2 years old. I've made a few mistakes with the food I've eaten (not deliberately which is a sort of nice thought) and learnt just how cautious Coeliacs have to be when it comes to a life-long gluten free diet.

So here's a description of Coeliac disease and what it's like to suffer from it: (I did know some of this, but a lot of it I didn't know or realise. Also, facts etc are from research - if anything isn't completely right then it's an accident so please let me know and I'll make any edits needed.)

- Coeliac disease is an autoimmune disease. When a sufferer eats gluten, the gut basically attacks itself. This leads to little hair like structures called villi being damaged. They are flattened and so cannot absorb the goodness from food as they should. If this continues, it will lead to the person being malnourished (which we all know is pretty bad..)
Image from http://www.bupa.co.uk/health-information/directory/c/coeliac-disease
- You can have coeliac disease with no symptoms. This would mean that your gut is being damaged without you knowing which is very bad news. some people also have symptoms which they don't notice as they are very mild, or don't realised their symptoms are due to coeliac disease - the symptoms are very similar to IBS and so it can be tricky knowing what the cause is.

- Some people with Coeliac disease think that it's okay to eat small amounts of gluten (such as bread being cut up on the same chopping board as non-gluten free bread). I'll admit I thought I was okay with it too simply because I didn't have any reaction to similar circumstances. However, this simply isn't true. No matter how much gluten you have, or what it's in, it's going to damage your gut, which can take a long time to heal properly. If you keep eating like this, your gut will be unable to heal, leading to the symptoms of coeliac disease reoccurring and being malnourished. You need to stick to a very strict gluten free diet - even a crum can do damage. It's so hard to do, but it's worth it as eating gluten as a coeliac can affect your fertility and long term health - apparently it can even cause bowel cancer!

- I read somewhere that giving someone with coeliac disease gluten is as bad, if not worse, than giving someone food poisoning! Understandable if you understand what happens when a coeliac eats gluten - it's not an allergy and it doesn't simply cause a stomach ache.

- It's really hard to eat out when you have coeliac disease - it's hard to trust someone else to cook your food when you need to cooked separate from anything with gluten and for it to not contain any traces of gluten at all. Even when a chef says they know about cooking gluten free, it's hard to believe they do considering some of the experiences I've had and that people I know have had. As annoying as it can be, you have to keep asking the same person the same questions and telling them the same things over and over - and even then some people don't seem to understand. 
Thought this was quite funny, as well as true. https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/d5/63/a1/d563a15219be8afb04832e55ad2589eb.jpg

- It's hard to be a coeliac in a world full of people trying gluten free diets to lose weight or get healthier. People don't take us seriously and think we're just over reacting, which can lead to us getting ill. 

- when a coeliac reacts to gluten, there can be a range of symptoms. If I eat a reasonable amount of gluten, I'm immediately sick - one night I was up for about 3 hours and was sick 5 times just because of some rice which had a few bits of pasta in. Other peoples reactions can last for weeks and can include headaches, swollen fingers, short temper, hot flashes, an upset stomach and fatigue. 

- There's no real 'cure' for coeliac disease. the only thing you can do is stick to a gluten free diet for the rest of your life. I've heard of people creating injections and medication which will apparently make us able to eat gluten, but I'm not sure how I fell about these or if they will even work well. It's a tough, life-long battle which we have to face. 

I hope that this post will help to raise awareness of coeliac disease. I really want to make it more known about - not just that it exists, but what it really is, what it does, and how to deal with it. It's a very real condition and about 1 in 100 people suffer from it. it's not something that you can make mistakes with as it can ruin a life. If we work together, we can do it. 

'If you die tonight' - Just a thought..

I was listening to a song a few weeks ago which had some lyrics which really stood out to me:

‘If you die tonight, where would you be? Where would your soul spend eternity?’


A pretty big question as far as I can see.

I really had to think about this. If I was to die, am I living in a way that would make me certain I'm going to spend eternity with God? At the time, to be perfectly honest, I really wasn't sure if I was. I was in a rubbish place and I wasn't really taking any notice of God.

This felt like a bit of a kick up the bum. The blunt truth is I could die at any time, so why am I living in a way that makes me question the way I’ll spend eternity? And anyway, the commandments he gives us and they way of living he shows us is for our own good. It’s the best way to live. I want to be able to live like that. I'm trying to live like that. It’s really not easy, I'm so far from perfect because I'm unfinished and God’s still working on me. But there’s no point in doing things that are no good for me in the long run that will leave me with an eternity of suffering...

One thing I'm thinking about at the moment is how do I work on this? How do I get to the point where I stop making the same mistakes? How do I start to live the way I'm supposed to and want to? It’s really not easy...being a Christian isn't easy...but then again it’s not supposed to be! It’s meant to be a challenge!

I want to find things that can act as constant reminders to me of my faith. I recently stuck a metal fish shape on my car so that I think about how I drive as people around me will know I'm a Christian. If I drive badly, people will think badly about Christians. I would love to get a cross necklace or something that can remind me of how I should be living. I used to write bible verses on my mirror so that every time I looked in it, there was a reminder of God. I'm trying to change the people I spend time with and the music I listen to and the TV I watch. I’d love to say I'm doing really well at all these things, but I'm not. I need God’s help, but I will get there.

There are so many other things I could try to do. I need to start doing these things. I need to start living differently. I need to make sure I'm confident of where I’ll spend eternity, and I hope that this post will get you thinking about the same thing.

7 tips for Dealing with Stress

Stress - something almost all of us face at some point in our lives. Work, school, exams, friendships, family life - no matter the cause is, it's not a nice thing for anyone to go through.
I've been feeling particularly stressed recently due to a number of things. 'Stuff' seems to pile up and before you know it you're lost under the pile and don't know how to move it.
I've found that I really suffer when I'm stressed - I get ibs and so my stomach gets tense and I lose my appetite which has led to me losing quite a lot of weight...
I've been trying a few different, little things to try to keep myself relaxed and on top of things. This post is going to give a few ideas to help you deal with stress.

1) make time everyday to just relax and not think about anything. It might only be an hour, but it helps. Take a bath, just lay down, go for a walk, sit in the garden with a cup of tea. Make that little bit of space for yourself and you'll soon be feeling more like yourself. (If you do have a bath, use lavender oil or a lavender scented candle and add some Epsom salts to the bath - my friend, who owns the blog Living Stark Naked, wrote about how these help you relax so I tried it and they really do work and are completely natural which is always good!)

2) Sing. No matter how bad (or good) your singing is, just sing. Sing in the car, when your cooking, cleaning, in the shower, in the supermarket (okay so that one might get you some strange looks, but you get the idea...). Singing helps you control your breathing which will help de-stress. I think it downs something else for your body but I can't really remember. All I know is it works a treat!

3) Chew gum. This is something else I was told about by a friend. When you chew gum your body releases some kind of chemical which helps you to relax (you can tell I listened in science...).

4) Get enough sleep. There's nothing worse, when you're feeling stressed, than to be tired. You'll feel so much better after a good night's sleep. It won't solve any problems but it'll help you to look at them with a clearer, more relaxed mind.

5) Write a list. Make a list of all the things that are stressing you out. It'll help to stop things going round and round in your head. There's nothing worse than having 10+ things to think about at once. Being able to look at what's making you feel stressed is good (it works for me anyway). Another thing that might help is to write another list of things that are making you happy or that you're grateful for. It might be that you have close friends to talk with, or something exciting that's happening soon. This should help you to keep looking at the positives as well as the negatives so that they don't seem like they're taking over your whole life.

6) Have a cuddle with a dog (or a friendly cat). Can't quite remember any of the science behind this (or even if there is any) but a cuddle with your bestie will always help.

Who wouldn't want to cuddle up to this cutie?!
7) Talk to someone. Find someone you trust - a friend, teacher, parent, relative, work colleague, someone that you can just talk everything through with. It might be that you just need to talk at them to get your thoughts straight rather than get any advice. If you know someone who's stressed, invite then round for a coffee, let them talk at you if that's what they need. Be a shoulder to cry on. Give them a hug. It helps so much and its so lovely to know that you have support, especially when you need it the most.

I really hope that this post helps you, either now or in the future, and that you won't feel as stressed the next time that it feels like the whole world is against you.

Some Points About Coeliac Disease

I have coeliac disease. I’m sure a lot of you know what this is, but for those who don’t here’s a bit of an explanation:

Having coeliac disease means that you can’t eat gluten. When someone with coeliac disease eats gluten, the little ‘hairs’ that line the small intestine are damaged. When this happens, your body is unable to absorb the nutrients from you food, leading to the sufferer being malnourished. It affects 1 in 100 people and there is no cure. You just have to stop eating gluten.
I was diagnosed with coeliac disease when I was about 2-3 years old, so I don’t know any different.

There are two things I want to talk about in this post:

1) It seems as though it’s becoming more known about with shops having ‘free from’ sections and restaurants having a gluten free option or a whole other menu for gluten free food. However it seems as though some places don’t really understand the condition completely. I have noticed in some shops they have started selling cookies and biscuits made with oats. They say they’re suitable for coeliacs. They’re not. I had them, not realising what they were made from because they were so poorly packaged. I reacted to them but it took a while to realise that it was them causing it. I couldn't believe that they had labelled it so badly! We wrote an email to the shops that sold them only to get a reply saying that because it says (very unclearly) on the packet that they’re made from oats, they had done nothing wrong. I get that, but it’s a bit unfair to label something badly which can make people ill. It seems as though they just want to sell as many as possible without caring about people’s health (pretty unfair really....)

2)  It really frustrates/upsets me when people choose to go on a gluten free diet so that they can ‘lose weight’ or ‘get healthier’. I’m not too sure why this is. Part of me thinks that it’s just plain stupid to put yourself through something like that. I wish every day that I could just eat normally. I wish when I was little that I could eat a bit of birthday cake at my friend’s party. I wish I could have had fish with chips at the beach. I wish I could have eaten ice cream in a cone. I wish I could go to a friend’s house for a meal without feeling guilty or wondering if I’ll get ill. I wish I didn’t have to explain to people that when I eat gluten I’m violently ill and that my body will take a good few months to heal again fully. I wish I didn’t have to go through people teasing me when they got to eat food when I couldn’t. I wish people understood this so that they wouldn’t choose to be gluten free but instead would realise how flipping lucking they are to be able to eat what they want! It also upsets me when people who choose to be gluten free make a big deal about it, telling everyone about it and saying how it’s to lose weight etc. It makes people like me look like we’re just dieting. It’s not our choice and it makes me feel like I’m annoying people when I say I need gluten free food. I feel like a burden because they must think that I’m just being awkward.

I really hope other people can relate to this and that I’m not the only one feeling this way. I really hope that this will get you thinking about diet choices in the future and that you will really appreciate your health and the fact that you can go out and eat anything you like.

The Ten Commandments in Modern life

This post is about how to apply the Ten Commandments, which could seem a bit outdated to our lives today. I understand that some people looking at this won’t agree with the whole idea of being given Ten Commandments to try and follow in our lives.  I get that, and am fine with it. I would, however, encourage you to keep reading, as this post has some ideas that we can all use to make us better, nicer people. I believe that these are ‘guidelines’ from God on how to live our lives. I use the word guidelines instead of rules because I believe we have been given free will over our decisions and so we don’t have to follow these (but it's a pretty good idea to). As a child of God, I really want to try my very best to stick to them. But I know I'm not perfect and accept that I will mess up and get things wrong. I'm unfinished – God’s still working on me and I've got a long way to go.

So here they are:                                        
You shall have no other gods before Me. At a glance, this seems like one we can say ‘well I don’t do that, I don’t believe in any other gods’, but is that really what this is about? Is it more about deciding not to put other things in your life before God, such as work, people, personal possessions? We need to make sure God is our number one priority, and that anything else is no way near as important to us than him.

2.     You shall not make idols. I think this one is becoming very easily done these days. Celebrities are so easy to idolise. You like their clothes, their looks, their body, the way they act, the fact that they have money. You try to be like them. You look up to them. God tells us we should try to live in his image – we need to try to live like Jesus did and ignore other ideas on how we should be living, we need to try to stop looking up to other people and making them so important and idolising them.

3.     You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain. This one is simple: watch your mouth. Be aware of the words you are saying. Swearing and things like ‘Oh my God’ are becoming really normal to hear, but this is a commandment that is up there with not murdering! Another thing to mention is that it’s not necessarily the word you say, but the meaning behind what you say. ‘fudge’ still has the mean of another word behind it if you still say it in the way you intended.

4.     Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. I find this tricky. Keeping Sunday’s holy and trying to keep it as a day of rest. It seems like Sunday is becoming just another day in the week with people working and keeping themselves busy. I've tried to follow in my Mum’s footsteps with this. She told me before how she feels like she shouldn't be doing housework on a Sunday and that she should save it for weekdays and spend Sundays relaxing. I try to do a similar thing by doing any school work during the week or on a Saturday. I also struggle with this with my job. I work as a waitress, and Sunday’s are very busy at the restaurant. I've been asked so many times if I can work Sunday’s, and except for one time, I've managed to keep saying no. After I explained that it’s because of my faith they understood and I haven’t been asked since. I've realised I need my Sundays to stop myself from going completely crazy.

5.     Honour your father and your mother. Obey your parents. Do as they say and respect them. They've given you love, a home, food, a place to sleep and so much more. The least you could do is show them some gratitude. I struggle with this to be honest... I find that when they tell me to/not to do something, I immediately want to do the opposite! I don't necessarily want to be like that and I try not to, but it's very tricky to control and I'm sure some of you reading this can relate to this.

6.     You shall not murder. Slightly obvious one. Don’t go round killing people. That’s not a very nice thing to do really... okay so maybe there’s a bit more to this than meets the eye. In 1 John 3:15, Jesus says that ‘Anyone who hates a brother or sister is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life residing in him’ (NIV). Think it through I guess... should you really hate someone for a little thing they've done? If you do, Jesus states that you have committed a sin as bad as murder.

7.     You shall not commit adultery. Don’t cheat on your partner – This seems to have been made slightly normal. People break up or get divorced because someone went off with a new guy/girl. This just seems to happen way too often, but it can really damage people. People lose trust. Relationships break down. If the couple have children together, the children may see this as a normal thing to do, and end up doing it themselves. They might feel as though their parent doesn't love them. As well as this, Jesus says to us in the Bible that if you even look at a woman (or man) lustfully, you have already committed adultery in the heart. Think about the way you’re looking at people, as well as the way you’re getting people to look at you – don’t encourage people to look at you lustfully. It’s pretty unfair on the people looking at you as they’re being dragged into sin without being able to put up much of a fight.

8.     You shall not steal. As much as we like to think ‘I don’t steal – I've never dressed in black and broken into someone’s house to take their TV', I feel like there is a bit more to this. It could be a little thing: finding a ring with no apparent owner and taking it, taking the odd lose hair band left in the bowl at Primark, taking some change from your parents without them knowing so you can go out. They don’t seem like a big deal, but to God it is. He says not to steal, so why do we think there are exceptions?

9.     You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour. Don’t lie is basically what this one is saying. This is the bit where the whole ‘white lies’ thing gets its foot in it. A white lie seems so harmless, but just because they seem harmless doesn't really mean that they aren't harmless. It’s so easy to just say the odd lie to ‘make life easier’, but then you have to go along with that lie. You have to remember what you've said to whom. Before you know it you've gotten yourself into a right mess and this can harm your mental well-being as well as your relationships. Even simpler than this, you could tell a little lie to someone who then gets very upset by it. This could ruin your relationship. Is it really worth avoiding honesty for the chance that you might get away with making up a fake story? This commandment also applies to stories that are exaggerated or edited slightly to make it more interesting etc. This is still lying. It’s still going against God even if you think it’s not.

10. You shall not covet. You shouldn't be letting yourself be jealous of other people, their possessions, their lives. It could be anything at all, but you shouldn't ‘yearn to posses’ these things. God has given you everything you need and wanting more is kind of like saying to him that what he’s given isn't enough. It is enough. It can be so hard to realise and fully understand that, but that’s something God can help with if you ask. Some people have worked really hard to get what they have. Coveting what they have and wanting instant gratification is not right. You need to work hard to get these things. You need to be proud of people when they work hard, rather than being jealous and wanting what they have.

I really hope this helps you to think a bit more about your actions, words and thoughts. I'm not saying through this that it will be easy to stick to these – as I said before, we’re unfinished and a work in progress. Changes like this take time but they are so worth it!

So, here we go...

I've had so many thoughts and ideas recently that have really made me want to start a blog and get it all down and see what other people think about it - get my thoughts straight I guess. So this is it. I finally got round to it. This is my blog.

Beautifully made and unfinished. 

I really want to explore things like role models, faith, and how to get by in the world we live in.

I have grown up with a faith and it has been made stronger than ever recently. However I find it increasingly difficult to keep God in my life at all times.

I find role models - such as toys and models - a really tricky subject. What do we really want our children growing up to see as normal or needed.

There's so many other little ideas and thoughts that I can't wait to explore. I've never been so excited and passionate about something and I really hope this blog will make a difference in some way.