Doing something about it. (Getting fit finally...)

As some of you will have seen, I wrote a post a little while ago about how I was struggling with my body appearance. I didn't feel good about the way I looked and I was very unhealthy and unhappy. I knew what I needed to do to fix it, but I just didn't have the motivation to do anything.

I've finally done something. I'm fixing it.

I was laying in bed one night a little while ago, thinking about how I could get fit and healthy and what would motivate me to do it. I turned to pinterest. I started looking at pictures of people who do work out and are fit and healthy (making sure I wasn't getting too obsessive about it). That motivated me enough to start a plan to get fit.

I started off by writing rules for myself to help generally with my lifestyle so that I stop going to sleep at 2 in the morning and waking up at 10-11am and other things. This is what I came up with:
- Be asleep at 10pm every night (11pm latest depending on work)
- Wake up at 8:30-9am every day and no later
- Stick to work out plans
- Don't decide to do a workout later than I planned to (ie. in the afternoon rather than the morning)
- Keep thinking about my motivation and why I'm doing it
- Eat properly (No more McDonalds!!)
- Don't get obsessed with fitness and keep God in the centre of this to stay safe mentally.

At the moment, in terms of exercising, I'm doing a little 8 week plan where you gradually build up the amount you run each day. You do it three days a week (monday, wednesday and friday). I'm finding it so helpful as it's really pushing me to do more than I think I can.

I'm also going to try to fit in a work out each week (I'm lucky enough to have a mum who used to be a personal trainer so I'm going to try to take advantage of that until I leave for ywam) and after each run I do a few squats/sit ups etc. 

Just doing these few simple things is really making a massive difference. I feel so good about myself and I'm looking at my body in a completely different way. I also have a lot more energy and generally feel happier.

I decided right from the start of this that I want to make sure this doesn't become an obsession for me. I don't want to be obsessed with losing as much weight as possible and being a slim as possible. I'm making sure I keep praying about it and keep God in this. I also decided I wouldn't weigh myself. Because this isn't about losing weight for me, there's no point. If I was to weigh myself then I know I would soon become obsessed with the number the scales are showing and trying to lower them. Truthfully, your weight doesn't really show much at all in some cases. This image has helped me with this:                                                                                                                                                           
It doesn't even really need explaining...

I really hope that this will motivate people to do the same as me and take control of your like again. Fitness is so important not only for your physical health, but also your mental health. 

Also It's exactly a month until I go to ywam!! How exciting... 

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