Breaking the Mould

It's been a while, but I'm back!

The last time I posted on this blog was just over two years ago. Life has moved on a little bit since then, and I'm excited to share with you what has been going on! But first...

Welcome to my blog! 

If you're new here, welcome! I really hope you enjoy reading the content I make and that it inspires you in some way. I just wanted to share a bit about where I'm at in my life right now, as well as my plans for the blog.

What have I been up to?

As I've already said, it's been over two years since I last posted an update on this blog. At the time I had been home from my DTS (I still have posts about this if you want to know more) for about 5 months, and I had just started a job as a trainee youth worker in a local church with a hope of doing a youth work degree to become qualified.

Two years on and I'm in my second year of doing a youth work degree in Cambridge, supported by the church I work for. It's not an easy degree, and there have been times that I have really struggled (doing a degree and doing placement work is tough!), but it's been an incredible experience so far and I can't wait to see what the rest of the degree will teach me.

There's more that has happened over the last couple of years, and I hope to talk about some of it as I start posting more often.

What's new?

I am aiming to post once each week or so - you can sign up for emails to notify you when I post, or you can follow my Facebook and Instagram pages search for beautifully made and unfinished on Facebook or @beautifully.made97 on Instagram) to keep up to date with my blog, as well as my daily life.

My posts will be about real life topics that are often avoided because they're 'awkward' or 'uncomfortable', as well as other topics that I am passionate about. I want to break the mould and get people talking about the things that really affect us, rather than the weather and work. A few of the things I will be posting about are the environment, the fashion industry's impact on the environment and our self esteem, mental health, faith, and relationships. I've been working on my blog for the last few months changing the layout and thinking about what my aim for the blog is and creating new content.

I'm so excited to finally be able to share what I've been doing with you, and I really hope you enjoy reading my posts. Let me know in the comments of any posts you'd like to see!

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