As I mentioned a bit in an Instagram post a while back, I have struggled with my mental health over the last year and a half (hence why I haven't been able to keep up with posting on here). In this time I put on a bit of weight (why is the yummiest and most comforting food the unhealthiest?!).
I wasn't overweight, but I wasn't healthy and wasn't happy with how I felt in my body. I also wasn't exercising which was causing me to have back problems (I have mild scoliosis and knees that like to put me in a lot of pain..a whole other story!).
To cut a long story short that I hope to share more about soon, one day after months of considering and wanting to start workout again but never doing it, I decided that enough was enough and I just needed to go for it. I put on my workout gear and went out for a run. It wasn't easy, but it felt AMAZING!!
After that first run, I decided it was time to start working out and eating better, as I knew this is something that has helped many others who have struggled with their mental health as well as it being a good thing to do for your overall health.
I figured that the best way to do that was to start tracking my calories. I found an app called 'My Fitness Pal' (not sponsored.. I wish! But I would highly recommend!). It is absolutely great and has changed my life completely. You can put in your current weight, your goal weight, how much weight you want to loose or gain weekly as well as in total, and how active you are. It then calculates how many calories you need to consume each day to meet your goals, as well as the amount of different nutrients you need and the right balance of carbs/fat/protein. you can also upload progress photos if you want, and every time you weigh yourself and have lost weight, you can track it to see how close to your goal you are. (Please be careful if you use this app - it is very easy to become obsessed with tracking calories. It's important to find a good balance. If you ever find yourself becoming obsessive over your calorie intake please speak to a health professional and look after yourself)
Having this app has been great. Not only can I make sure I'm not over eating, I can also ensure I'm not under eating (which doesn't actually help you loose weight!). This wasn't the only thing I did though. I also started working out more. I aim to work out 3 times a week for around 30-60 minutes. I do a mix of different workouts so that I don't get bored. You Tube is great for this as there are loads of workout videos you can follow!
Having said all of this, it's important to say that I don't always stick to this. Sometimes I do overeat, and sometimes I don't meet my workout goals, but that's okay. Like I said, I want this to be something I can keep up as a lifestyle rather than just a crash diet for a few months that I then give up on. Something sustainable. And I've still been able to loose over a stone without missing out on yummy food!
Sometimes I manage to do all my workouts and sometimes I don't for various reasons. I make sure I don't put pressure on myself to work out if I'm very busy - uni and work are my priority's so if I'm too busy or need a rest then I'll leave it for another day. This works so well for me, as I know that this is something I could easily keep up for years, but it's still enough to keep me fit and healthy. If I'm going out for a meal, or it's a birthday or holiday, I'll still enjoy myself and eat plenty of yummy food, but I make sure that once that's over I get back to eating well and working out.
I know this may all sound pretty simple and that loosing weight surely isn't that easy, but if I'm honest it hasn't always been as easy as it sounds. Sticking to something like this can be hard. It's important to constantly remind yourself of why you're doing this. There's so much information on the NHS website about why it's important to stay fit and healthy - I find just reading that can be a good motivation! Also reminding yourself of how good it feels when you've completed a workout or eaten a healthy lunch is a great motivator. (Please be aware that for some loosing weight isn't easy due to health reasons so don't be disheartened by what the scales may say - it's all about what you're fuelling your body with and how you're treating it rather than seeing a certain number when you weigh yourself.)
I honestly feel so much better. I've seen massive changes in my body - I visibly look a lot different, and I feel sooooo much healthier and happier. I'm in no way saying that everyone needs to workout and eat differently, or that everyone needs to loose weight, and I really hope that's not what comes across here. I think it's so important to look after ourselves both mentally and physically, and doing this has helped me in both of these ways and may help many others too.
I'd love to hear from you! Have you found something that helps you stay fit and healthy? Let me know in the comments or over on Instagram of Facebook!
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