What's happening to our generation?

I saw a you tube video a few weeks ago about our generation. The person in the video was saying how he was worried about our generation. He pointed out that we live in a society where we feel we have to fit in. If we don't fit in we're bullied for it and get laughed at. He said that he's worrying because we are always told we're the leaders of the future, but are we really capable of leading?

This has really got me thinking. What really is happening to our generation? I'm worried too now. How on earth are we going to be able to be leaders? Things seem to really be going downhill, and it seems to mainly be connected to social media. It seems like people think it's cool to physically bully people, have someone film it, and then post it online for the world to see. I heard on the news yesterday that a 13 year old girl is in custody on suspicion of murder! When I was at school, I would see 13-14 year olds smoking. Girls are starting to dress so provocatively at such a young age. Kids are having sex and having babies. It's like social media has stopped people from having a childhood. Kids find these so called 'role models' and try to be like them. They try to grow up too fast.

Is there really anything we can do about this? Can we start to sort our generation out so we are ready to be the leaders of tomorrow? I think we need to start building each other up. We need to actually encourage people to be who they want to be and not laugh at them when they are! We need to stop giving people fame for bullying. We need to encourage children to understand that they don't need to try and be like their role models and that they need to be what they want to be. I know it's not something that will change over night. It probably won't solve everything, but what's the harm in us trying? I really encourage you to build others up. Actually encourage them to be them. Give people confidence in who they are and things will start to change.

We need this to happen for the sake of our future!

Also you should check out Joel's Youtube channel, it's pretty cool...

struggling with not being at school (with an update)

I'm getting to the point where I'm feeling a bit miserable being at home everyday. In the first few weeks out of education, I managed to keep myself busy. However, there's a limit to the amount of shopping and eating out a girl can do. The people I used to go to school with are all still in school, and by the time they finish for the day, I go off to work, only leaving weekends to meet up (that's if they don't have too much work to do which rarely happens for sixth-formers). I do have a few friends who are only in school part time, and a friend who's a full time mummy that I get to meet up with. But that's not something to keep me busy everyday of every week.

I think that, if it wasn't for the fact that I work every evening, things would be a lot different. I'm so thankful for my job. 

So basically, I'm a bit stuck and feeling a bit lonely. I know I'm not lonely, but when you seem to spend most of your time at home or at work, it's hard not to feel like you are.

However, I have found that having so much spare time is giving me a chance to strengthen my relationship with God and really learn what it is to have a faith and to live for him. I've also managed to get things done that I wouldn't have been able to do if I was still in school. I've been able to spend more quality time with the people who are around and strengthen relationships with these people.

I wrote the first part of this post a few weeks ago, so I guess this is sort of updating it. I got an email from YWAM a week or so ago telling me that I've been accepted! Things are moving and I now have things to do in the run up to going away for 6 months. I'm arranging an event to raise a bit of money to go towards my DTS. I'm trying to think of the things I need to take with me, and things I need to get done before I go. I'm also still trying to spend time with God - especially just in everyday situations. I'm learning to turn to pray as soon as there's something I'm struggling with or if there's a situations that I'm unsure about. 

God's preparing me to move on from my past. School is behind me now. It doesn't feel strange that everyone is at school while I'm here writing and planning. It feels right. It is right. 

To stop the boredom and running out of things to do, I've started writing lists of things I want to get done by the end of the week. That way I have at least one thing to do each day so that I don't get bored and I know there's always something to do. 

I'm also trying to start getting Christmas presents sorted early and on a budget, rather than just going to poundland on the first day of the Christmas holidays, so that will keep me busy too!

If you feel like you want to, please pray for me as I take this next big step in my life - It is greatly appreciated.

'Oh I couldn't do that...'

I'm part of a family that fosters. It's tough. It's also amazing knowing that we can do something that makes such a huge difference in someone's life.

When we first started fostering, and even now when we talk to people about it, we are usually met with a typical 'Oh I couldn't do that, I'd get too attached', or 'I wouldn't be able to give them up'. This is what I want to talk about in this post. (this isn't a rant or me moaning about anyone - I just want to share something that might help people have conversations with foster carers in the future, or even if you're deciding if you want to foster but think it'll be too hard to say goodbye)

Firstly, this is how it sounds to a foster carer:
'Oh I couldn't do that, you must be made of rock and have no feelings of love towards a child in your care.'

Now, I know that people don't really mean that when they say it, and it's usually meant to say to the carer that they're doing something amazing. But it does feel like a bit of a knock down. We have feelings too. This is an emotional job. Every time we've passed a child on, there have been tears. It feels like a loss. In fact, it is a loss. But if we don't go through that because we decide we don't want to shed a few tears, these children will be left in care homes, or even with their parents, which can be really dangerous. We have to get attached to these children and show them love - it helps their brains develop so it's pretty vital!

I guess in short, what I'm trying to say is, when talking to someone who fosters, please don't say the typical 'Oh I couldn't do that because...'. Be supportive. Say that they're doing something really good and that they're really making a difference in that child's life. I know for a fact that my parents and brothers get emotional through the process of fostering, and so do I. We need support. We need to be reminded that we're doing a good thing and that the pain is worth it. All foster carers do.

Also, if you've been seriously thinking about fostering, but you're worried about getting too attached to a child, maybe that means that really you'd be good at it? It's really worth looking in to and it's so rewarding - and I speak from experience!

I Started Journalling

I've started journalling, and it's amazing!

For my birthday a few days ago, I was given a couple of notebooks from friends. I decided I would start journalling. I decided to start writing about things that are on my mind and things to think or pray about. so that's what I'm doing. I went to Starbucks yesterday with my notebook and pens. I just sat there with a coffee, headphones in listening to a soul survivor playlist, and I wrote. I wrote about everything that been on my mind. I wrote about work, about worship at church, relationships, prayers, my confusion over piercings and tattoos, and a lot more. It was nice to be able to read my thoughts. to think about them more clearly. If I have any more thoughts about anything, I can go back to the place I left off, rather than remembering my last thoughts about it in my head. I can look back and prayers to find that they have been answered. I can look back in a few months or even years time and see just how much things have changed.

It's also helping me to stay closer to God everyday, to turn to prayer before anything else. I feel more peaceful. I can put things into perspective and concentrate on the things God really wants me to.

I also sat at home with my Bible and notebook. I opened my Bible on a random page but then got distracted. I later glanced down at my Bible to see this verse:
So God can also use this time to speak to us.

Basically, start journalling - it'll change everything for you.